Wednesday, September 12, 2018

I've got no secrets to hide...

Apparently, people feel the need to "warn" others about me...

That's really not needed people who know me already know everything about me and if they don't they will easily find out with a simple google search.

IF it doesn't come from the source (me) it's likely not true and you shouldn't believe everything you hear or see or read. If it's even remotely true I've publicly spoken about it (somewhere).

What's the easiest way to disarm somebody? By sharing what they think is some big secret which it isn't anyone that knows me or googles me will know everything about me I'm not hiding anything.

I'm an open book.

I'm not going around advertising it or shouting it from the rooftops because it's in the past but some people don't have a life of their own to live so they like to live in the past of other peoples lives which is kinda sad.

This is an email draft that I have on standby so when people around me get harassed by people in my past I just send this to them to so they know the real story and not some stretched out or exaggerated truth of my past. I'm not ashamed or embarrassed by my past so I don't know what they hope to achieve other than trying to bully others to separate from me.


Full Disclosure to the people associated with me:

What are they saying to XXXXXX and should you be concerned?

Simply put No you shouldn't be concerned I have unpopular opinions/actions and people will lie and stretch the truth to make me look bad. I'm used to it by now.

Some of you may or may not know that I'm quite outspoken and vocal about certain social justice issues. I also have unpopular opinions and actions that people basically hate and they hate me for it so their sole mission in life is to harass me stalk me and make me as miserable as possible. Sad But True.

So, if you are contacted by said people they will tell you about my 2011 Anti-Abortion/Father's Rights Billboard campaign which drew international attention and I basically became the most hated man in the world. (google it) But I was also a hero to the Father's Right's/Pro-Life movement so the sword cut both ways They either Loved me or Hated Me. You'll be no different.

The media (every known news media outlet in the world) painted me in a bad picture (shocking I know) they labeled me as a jilted ex-boyfriend that just wanted to attack his ex-girlfriend and shame her for having an abortion.

That couldn't be farther from the truth regardless of popular opinion. The sole purpose and intent of the billboard campaign was to start a discussion on Father's Rights. I accomplished my goal I'm neither ashamed or embarrassed about it. I'd do it again without regret.

The story behind the billboard is one that isn't told. My then girlfriend at the time became pregnant and we were thrilled but she was also terrified but we planned to start a family we'd only been dating for a year so we talked it out and decided that we'd move our relationship to the next level because this wasn't planned at all. everything was great everything was fine as we got closer to the end of the first trimester she suddenly without cause or warning broke it off with me, of course, I was devastated apparently her friends and family didn't approve of our plans and they basically pressured her until she caved to their pressure out of fear of being disowned. Fine No problem but she was still pregnant with both of ours first child.

We talked about a co-parenting plan etc etc she suggested adoption because she didn't want to "deal" with it and that wasn't ok with me.

30 days later I was informed that she had a "miscarriage" and I just knew in my gut that that wasn't the truth. She had an abortion. without so much of a conversation with me didn't even have the decency to tell me herself now she could have easily said no I'm not having this baby I'm having an abortion and there is nothing you can do about it and that would be true nothing I could have done about it. But she choose to lie to me and to everyone around us.

I was beyond devasted this was to be my first child I was thrilled because I was told I'd never be able to have children. So this was a miracle. so throughout the next couple of months, I tried to get answers because I needed closure for my own sanity. I couldn't get any so I shared my grief with the world to try to make some sense out of what happened throughout many court sessions the truth came out she had indeed lied and had an abortion.

I got my closure. I was satisfied but the people hated me for it now don't get me wrong a Women's choice is legally her choice and I would have been fine if she told me her plans I wouldn't have agreed with it and I would have fought it but I could have dealt with it easier.

I believe that fathers should have rights to their unborn children. It takes two to conceive and it should take two to kill. end of story. I'm not against abortion, however, I believe abortion should be legal for cases of Rape, Incest & life-threatening medical necessity. I don't believe it should be used as birth control. People hate me for my views.

So that's the story behind the anti-abortion billboard. long story I know and I'm sorry that I have to tell this story once again and it won't be the last time I tell it. I'm used to it by now.

So you'd think that was it the end of the story right? sadly no...

the saga continues...

fast forward a year later I'm getting married and having another child on the way and people are losing their minds over it slowly but surely they begin chipping away at my relationship and in the end, they win the pressure of all the hate and drama that comes along with me was too much of a strain on my marriage and they caused a lot of problems in our relationship so in 2014 me and my then wife separated and she was very hostile and abusive about it and it was so ugly that I had to leave state just to get away from her. Not being satisfied with the amount of misery inflicted upon me she along with the I hate Greg fan club hatched a plan to further their goal to "destroy" me. (I can't make this stuff up)

My now estranged wife made a report with the Alamogordo Police Department and later the Otero County Sheriffs Department stating that I forged her name on an insurance refund check.

This was a check that was in both of our names and it came from the house where we lived as a married couple since separating we had let the house go and the insurance company sent the check to the address on file (mine) it's always been our way of signing each other's names to documents that needed it she signed my name I signed her name it was a given. but at this time I had no contact with her and no way to contact her so in order to cash the check and give her her portion of it I cashed the check I couldn't contact her because there was a domestic violence restraining order against me that was later dropped. No, I didn't beat my wife and there was no violence involved... in NM if you break any "community property" in the course of a domestic dispute (a marital verbal fight) you are "guilty" of the DV act. My laptop at the time was broken and that's what she used to get a restraining order against me.

This is all a matter of public record.

So my estranged wife told the police that I did not have the authorization to cash the check which is a lie but that's what she does and this was 8+ or longer months after the fact. I was already living in Coles County, IL when I got a call telling me there was possibly going to be a warrant for my arrest as a result of this report. they said they'd be in touch.

I never heard back from them so I put it out of my mind fast forward to August 2017 I'm sitting in my office parking lot getting ready to go home when I'm approached by the Coles County Sheriffs Deputy ok no problem I'm sitting in a bank parking lot at 2 AM that was suspicious enough for them to "check on me" which was understandable I didn't think anything about it so they verify who I am and that I'm there for a legitimate reason but one snafu there is a felony warrant for my arrest out of Otero County, NM I'm shocked and in disbelief over this the officer explain it was for a felony forgery charge and then I knew what it was about my vindictive ex-wife got her way.

She could have easily just contacted me and said hey give me my cut and I'd be like ok here you go... but no she wanted to hurt me and that's the only reason behind the arrest. I spent over $7,000 in fees and legal expenses as a result of this that money could have gone towards our daughter but no hurting me was more important.

I was arrested and I spent 2 months in the Coles County jail waiting to get this resolved mind you this was over a mere $400 that she never bothered to contact me about it's just her way to try and "destroy me" I reached a plea deal with the Otero County Court after being extradited to NM after I explained the situation to the Judge I got the charges dropped to a misdemeanor violation I forgot what they called it but I had to pay a fine and pay her $400 which I did and commit to 2 years of unsupervised court supervision (i.e. probation) but I don't have to report to them or anything like that I just have to keep my nose clean and then it goes away. There were 2 charges associated with this case 1 was the forgery charge and the other was a violation of the restraining order which was a result of a text message I sent to my ex-wife saying that I was sorry for everything and that despite everything I still loved her.

So there ya have it that's "My Story" and that's the type of stuff I have to deal with it doesn't matter that my daughter and I was the victim of her abuse I was the one that "broke the law".

And I'm still dealing with it to this day. so why did I go into such great detail about this well it was suggested that I contact each of you in case you are the ones contacted next. which you most likely will be and I hate that I have to involve you in my personal drama but it is what it is I know it's not pretty and I know it's a pain to have to deal with but I hope my detailed explanation will put to rest any concerns that you may have or may have in the future.

Context is everything in matters like this and it boils down to a hateful group of people and a vindictive ex-wife (I have 2 of them by the way) so the truth will be stretched and exaggerated and even full of rumors and lies if you want to know something come to me directly I have nothing to hide everything I do or have done is above board and (what I thought was legal at the time) legal. now I did have other legal troubles as a teenager growing up but it was nothing violent nothing too serious just your normal "troubled child" angst so my past is checkered but I'm not a "felon" or a hardcore criminal I've got a criminal background file but if you grew up in my environment that was "normal" everything was either dismissed or low end non violent misdemeanor at most. I'm 43 now the majority of my problems/issues ended in my teenage years I did what everyone does I grew up became responsible and learned from my mistakes.

I hope you can understand that. Now just to put any other potential rumors to rest...

1. I'm not a devil worshipper I don't sacrifice goats or newborn babies.

I am Pagan tho I practice a nature-based religion which is often times confused with the Hollywood version of witchcraft or devil worshipping.

2. I'm not a wife beater or a woman beater I've never hit a woman in my life.

3. I've got a temper and I have lost my cool but I'm not physically violent to anyone.

4. I am Bipolar so I have bad days but I am medicated and I do control it.

5. I do have a dark sense of humor and I can be crude and rude and even obscene in my personal life.

6. I like to learn and educate myself on a wide variety of topics I learn about everything even the unpopular taboo topics.

7. I'm not nor have I ever been a rapist or convicted of any sexually based offenses.

8. I'm not a pedophile or a molester of any sort.

9. I haven't murdered anyone or disposed of any bodies. (yet..see dark humor)

I think that covers just about everything it's sad that I have to go through this and even a bit humiliating but that was their intention.

Now, if this is all just a bit too much for you and you just want to wash your hands of it so be it I'll understand we can part ways no hard feelings just let me know. I tried to avoid having this conversation because this is my personal private matters and no one should have to deal with it I shouldn't even have to deal with it but this is my life. I've learned to deal with it.

I hope that you value my worth enough to see past my drama. I really do try to do my best and I don't mix my personal life with my affiliations and I always try not to bring any negativity to your image. but if my public image is not in your best interest. just say the word and I'll disappear.

I am a law-abiding responsible civil citizen but I'm also human and I make mistakes.

You don't have to agree with my actions/opinions but I hope you respect me enough to not punish me for them. I don't have to agree with everything my affiliations agree on either but that's not going to stop me from getting involved where I can because I am very community centered and I only wish to help where I can.

if you wish to discuss this further I will be available.

*this was sent as a mass mail to all my associations*

I'll keep it handy for the next time I have to do this.

This is a notice that I put on Facebook feel free to check it out as well.


So there you have it that's basically my life story from the past 10 years those are the deep dark secrets that certain people feel the need to keep alive (they are reading this right now) but what they don't know is that it doesn't bother me in the least.

Might I suggest a billboard campaign to air your grievances it worked for me...

Now, this isn't likely to happen but you never know... I mentioned I had two vindictive ex-wives the first one from 2000-2003 will likely come up with lies and such as well it's basically the same thing whatever she says is a blatant lie the truth is public I challenge anyone to come up with any verifiable proof of any claims anybody makes against me. They can't because it's made up or completely out of context.

IF you are not a hater you have nothing to worry about from me... Yes, I've made mistakes but c'mon We are human that's what we do. What really matters is I actually learn from my mistakes.

I'm the nicest guy in the world. But if you piss me off/cross me/disrespect me... well, you wouldn't like me when I'm ANGRY.

That's just 100% truth there.

IF you have any further concerns or questions please come to the source. I'm more than happy to put your mind at ease and resolve any concerns you may have.

lastly, for the haters, guess what.... (trigger warning this is gonna piss you off)














I'm Quite happy and content with my life and nothing you do is gonna change that I'm living my life and you are there living your life in my shadow. LMFAO


Here's a fitting #quote from #WilliamShakespeare -

“Love me or hate me, both are in my favor...If you love me, I'll always be in your heart...If you hate me, I'll always be in your mind.”

Until next time Cheers!


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