Friday, January 1, 2021

2020 Year in Review

2020 fuck what a year... nobody saw what this year had coming a year ago...

Let us never speak of this year again amiright? 

I'm just gonna go through and mention the notables I'm a prolific picture taker so i just go through my photos and see what was going on at that particular time and month I mean 2020 was a dumpster fire for sure but it had its moments. 

My memory is shit i'm lucky to remember last week let alone a year ago or yesterday for that fact...

so my pictorial "diary" that is google photos helps me remember I can remember if I have a trigger so without further delay...

Did pretty good on my Celebrity dead pool list got 8 Stiffs for the year as of 8PM on dec 31st 2020 maybe that might change before the game ends at midnight.

really got into the App Kik this year but of a few groups and chatting away with them like the days of yahoo messenger chat it's really helped me to be more social even if it is just online it did get me some IRL social time too but more on that later. i've enjoyed really getting into kik some of the people i meet and chat with on their i'll be talking to for many years to come. being as lonely as I am it really helps to have someone to talk to when everyone else just ignores you or dismisses you. 

was even more active on snapchat and facebook naturally but i found myself more active on snap and kik

Met Rachael in one of those kik rooms it was a slow burn but we really connected and had many great conversations she became they first crush and potential love interest I had a lot of hope for her because she was amazing and quirky and brash very logical and most likely on the spectrum she had some weird habits and mannerism that i came to adore. (more on her later but as you can tell speaking of her in the past tense it didn't exactly work out surprise surprise)

oh and then there was nicole fuck me that was a whole thing for a minute she turned out to be a batshit crazy broad that ended up stalking me i was like look i can deal with crazy but you are next level crazy and i can't handle that shit but i didn't learn this until a few more months into the year.

this was a red letter year for me and "leah" we've always been flirty and exchanging a few sexual innuendos but this year  she was no holds bar and we really have no secrets now but she's not new to 2020 we've had a "thing" for close to 15+ years but we've never been more connected than we are now. and that makes me happy. 

and rozesetta she was a nice distraction as well but eh some nuts are just too hard to crack.

aside from business picked up this year that was a decent start to the year of course it still tears me up that Jeannifer won't let me have a relationship with our daughter I've missed so much of that child's life how can she not have daddy issues now it's terrible to do that to a child it's terrible to do that to a father. 

the memes were flying hard and heavy already and it was a harsh year for memes they got downright brutal lol but those are notable mentions from what i can recall of course i could go into facebook and review there as well i'm sure there are other notable things but that's what stood out in the picture library.

February the month for lovers unfortunately i'm still single and alone despite my potential interest and high possibilities that showed themselves in January.

Rachael and I kept developing our budding infatuation with each other and nicole kept getting crazier Oy!

doesn't seem like a lot happening in feb according to my photos but this is the month that covid started really started fucking shit up i mean we knew about it in january but it wasn't really a thing it was i mean a very serious thing but unfortunately it wasn't taken seriously until it was too late. even then it wasn't taken seriously by those that should of been taken it seriously.

so not much to mention about feb that i can recalled i may come back and add to it 

March fuck me this is when shit really went sideways we went to hell in a handbasket and it just got worse and worse as the year moved on and to this day it's not any better we might be getting there finally but we didn't know it at the time but the rest of the year was cancelled of course i'm talking about covid. 

did I mention i lost my filter in 2020?  😂

I was brutal and I was all IDGAF i really let my mouth do the talking without a single thought as to what came out i said it as i saw it as crude and rude and as offensive as it could be.  I was more public on facebook too Prior to 2020 i would be somewhat reserved and filtered in public spaces because of the business image and all but i let it all out this year. (probably not one of my best decisions) 

but eh oh well it is what it is I am me and I can't be anyone else and i was just sick of pretending to be something i'm not. again not everyone needs to see the "real" me lol I've learned that Pick your battles greg it's not always worth it. 

this realization comes from my ongoing treatment and counseling with my therapist Ashley she's been great at this point i've been seeing her for a year now now going on 2 years she's really helped me hone my new persona by being able to vent to someone and get actual constructive feedback is an amazing resource to have i've never really engaged myself into treatment as i have with her. I think it's because i was basically her first client fresh off her certification and they throw her to the lions lol but i always joke that getting stuck with me as her first client was a crash course in what the hell am i doing with my life lol but she handles herself well and is quite talented in her skills I think having someone that hasn't been jaded by the system really helped both of us. we've both been learning and growing from each other and we have a similar mindset so instead of looking at me like i'm crazy and eying the commitment papers to the local psyche ward she can either laugh it off and know when i'm joking or tell me look greg let's do this instead LOL.

this year of my consistent ongoing treatment has really helped me with handling my disorders and mental health in general and it's partially credited to her ability to know how to handle me. 

other than that i guess the main story of the month was the great toilet paper shortage of 2020 and it lasted months toilet paper who knew? basically everyone went on lockdown i myself closed the business for almost 3 months but as a introvert i didn't really mind staying home and not having to go out and people with other people. 

i'm continuing to nurture relationships and active on kik and other social media sites and services.

not a lot more in march

big brother canada came on and then got cancelled because of covid which was tragic just 3 weeks in 

netflix gave us tigerking and fuck we thought 2020 was a shitshow so far tiger king just fucked everyone up lol 

not a lot going on picture wise so i'm guessing we were just going through the motions what for covid to get under control and we can move on with our lives (spoiler alert) that didn't happen. 

i'm sure there was more to note but it's basically the same there was that one show on netflix too hot to handle or some such shit but it was a reality show that we basically were forced to watch because there was nothing else going on so out of boredom yes i watched it and i'm ashamed that i ended up liking it lol.

same ol same ol on kik and snapchat getting back into secondlife just biding time

to sum up 2020 so far here we go (it's a shitshow like we've never seen before...)

yea all that happened before we even hit may. you'd think it couldn't get worse right? LOL this is 2020 bitch yes it's gonna get worse!

Yay! it's may and covid is going to end with the heat and people are going to do what needs to be done to save summer! 

yea that didn't happen LOL people are stupid 

shit just keeps getting worse and people don't seem to care if y'all don't start acting right not only is summer gonna get cancelled we are gonna lose halloween too! Nah that won't happen Halloween is safe that so far off into the year it's gotta be under control by then right?

Spoiler Alert WRONG not only was summer cancelled but halloween was as well.. well at least for the people that cared about humanity.

what's happening in pictures...

ohh yes in may we have a different Nicole and cindy enters the picture for potential love interest...the Nicole from earlier in the year went bat shit crazy and then started stalking me after i said look here you're crazy and I'm busy go away. lol.

oh did i mention first nicole was married LOL yeah and she was like is that a problem? I'm like WTF is wrong with you LOL she mentioned this right before we were planning a date night LOL

anyways moving on...

things are really progressing with Rachael though even though we want to meet up and have a date night covid is restricting are options and we decide to wait until a better time. 

oh fuck i guess it was in may the new nightmare enters the arena REDACTED Enters the arena what a shitshow that turned out to be she's had me twisted  ever since! and might I add the second red headed love interest (Rachael is a red head too) and I know better than to fuck with redheads the crazy hot matrix warns against this but i'm a glutton for punishment.

I start developing a relationship with REDACTED we are talking almost every day now and nurturing the budding romance but things don't progress until later on but she just turned 23 and she is gorgeous so even tho I know better than to fuck with these 20 somethings she's generally interested and is fun to talk to and doesn't seem in the least bit crazy (HAHA that was my first mistake assuming she wasn't crazy) 

more on her later...

but back to the first redhead Rachael and I have really connected on an emotional level things are progressing nicely with her. 

but yea the main take away from May from a personal perspective was the entrance of REDACTED.

of course there are other things but i'm just going by with my photo library is telling me and from what stands out I mean you could check my twitter and facebook and there has probably been more notable events but if i took the time to go over every post on every social media platform it would take me another year just to write this post LOL.

Wow umm.. guess what LOL a whole year has past since I last wrote I kinda umm forgot to finish the 2020 year in review and now it's Jan 1st, 2022 😂 oops.

so now I'm getting ready for the 2021 year in review maybe i'll finish it this time LOL

but let me try to wrap this up quickly I'll give you a speed version of the rest of the events of 2020 before moving on to the next post.

we last left off in may...

jumping into june notable events me and rachael had a date and it lasted about 24 hours but don't get too excited the mall had this special drive in movie thing so we went to that because covid restrictions were a little relaxed at this point (it didn't last) but so we watched this movie and the whole time we are playfully teasing each other or so i thought... anyways movie ends and she's like so what do you want to do and i'm like we could go back to my place *wink *wink and she's like let's do it. because through are many online conversations we had explicit conversations how our first encounter would go...and everything was going according to plan....get back to my place and we awkwardly make small talk and decide to watch another movie but we cuddle up on the couch she's being coy and playfully teasing but it's getting annoying i shrug it off movie ends... she's like it's kinda late to drive home i said yeah it is my bed is comfortable and i showed her to the bedroom where we both got naked! and into bed but my advances even though we are both naked in my bed go awkward i mean she's kind of a odd duck to begin with so i'm thinking she is shy and self conscience so i try to make her comfortable and things are happening and then they stop. she's tired before anything really gets started i mean both of our engines were running but for whatever reason she put on the brakes ok cool no problem so we go to sleep wake up have breakfast lounge around and then it's time for her to go she gets naked again to change into her other clothes even tho she put the brakes on she wasn't shy about changing apparently anyways she leaves and i'm wondering wtf just happened it was one of the weirdest "dates" i've ever had but i figured we'd have time to try again and work through the "new" feeling and get comfortable with each other after all we had been talking for 6+ months daily so later that day I text her so when do you want to get together again. she's like I don't. 
umm.... what?! she says you kept on touching me and i told you to stop and you just kept on doing it (this was just playful poking each other while we were fully clothed) and i'm like umm you were doing the same thing to me and you were being coy and playfully saying no stop i thought you were playing around a lot of mixed signals there. then she's like then when we were in bed you kept trying to make moves when i was obviously not into it o.O WTF?! You're Naked in my bed and i'm doing a lot of explicit things to your ass that you were quite enjoying and i could tell you were enjoying it by the moans and heavy breathing and your rocking hips but excuse me after YOU got done that i was looking for a little reciprocal action that went ignored. you're just full of mixed signals and we went back and forth for a while and i'm just like you know what this was a shitshow your a shitshow I did nothing wrong you tell yourself whatever you want but i suggest you get back on your meds because you are obviously off them so that ended Rachael. 

we got along so well over kik but that crazy just exploded in person i mean just her over all personality was not what it was in kik i mean she is probably the type that just wakes up and stabs you for no reason.

good luck reading that wall of text LOL i'm grammatically challenged. 

speaking of leads me into the next sad but notable event     

I used to have a friend that would proofread for me she would ungreg my text we'd been friends since what 2002ish i met her and her sister on neopets the silly little game that was a thing back then. but we became good friends almost like family i literally watched her kids grow up we were tight like brother and sister then 2020 happened well specifically the poison that is trump happened.

This is the story of Karin and Lisa more Karin than Lisa because lisa always kept her politics on the DL and didn't really broadcast it or put it on a billboard LOL but me and Karin over the years always enjoyed political banter she being a conservative and me being liberal i.e. republican/democrat but we always had good debates and could always debate over policy issues etc and be civil about it. but that all changed when it became the trump republican party everyone lost their damn mind checked out of the reservation hopped on the first train out of reality and i'm not gonna go into all the details and why and shit if you know anything about the poison trump can do to people then you know what I'm talking about.

the boiling point and the final straw was the moment she told me to shut the hell up that no one was listening to me and that i was wasting my time (speaking against trump and for Biden) and I made the hard call to cut her and basically everyone that showed any type of support for trump out because it's not about politics with trump anymore I could always have a political debate with the other side and still be friends with you i didn't not like you because we had didn't viewpoints but when you start supporting hate and bigotry and just that awful human being and think he actually did a good job that is not a viewpoint i can handle i can't and won't support hate and that is all that trump oozes is hate so with very few exceptions i cut many people out of my life many that were long time friends that drank the kool-aid and wasn't coming back to reason. their minds were just poisoned it became more than politics and that's why I had to cut those people out I hated it but i couldn't associate with anyone that could support decades of corruption, hate, racism, bigotry i mean you name it trump offended it. i'll say it again he was an awful human being no different than hitler himself.

it was painful to see longtime friends fall into that black abyss but i wasn't gonna follow them.

onto july...

the only really notable thing in july was the meeting have savannah in person damn what a women.
it started great but yeah apparently we "triggered" each other things turned toxic and things were said and yeah. i think it was in late august or early september we told each other to fuck off and we stopped all communication. i mean i tried to reconnect with her but she wasn't having it she went radio silent 2020 would end without another word from here which was disappointing because she was probably pregnant with my child.

so anyways in august...

wait hold the fuck up greg did you just say pregnant with your child....?! and your not gonna go into any more details about that?!  

oh lol yea my bad so yeah that happened apparently she's quite fertile and i was quite high and well things happened and i was too high to perform the umm pull out method and too high to even think about a condom so yeah pretty good chance but there was a potential chance of another encounter she had within the timeframe of the probable conception she was dating this other guy before she met me but i'm apparently the frontrunner. (knowing that it's 2022 now you're probably like wth you already know dish the dirt are you a daddy again or not?!) don't rush it though this is the 2020 update you'll just have to wait and see what happens if we ever talk again...

so where was i oh yeah august...

ok fast forward because the rest of the year is shit

I went to ohio to see savannah don't ask how it went. 
(this was before we stopped talking)

Biden became president THANK FUCKING GOD!

The Joker Movie was AMAZING!

The New Beba Rexha album was AMAZING!

and that was 2020 

let us never speak of it again.

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