I share my favorite superbowl commercials from SuperBowl LVI
Fuck doing a big ol' post nobody cares...
but for historical records I'll do a recap of the year besides my stalkers will be grateful to have something new to screenshot.
so what significant things happened in 2021 hell I don't know I can barely remember what I did yesterday.... let's see what Facebook and my photo gallery says...
Autumn was a nice start to the new year she was a treat but of course she didn't last long because she got freaked out over a freaking joke I made about being her future husband it's like FFS it was a joke but nope she was done and out.
reconnected with candace she's such a gorgeous and logical beautiful mind but she also lives in canada so yea it only goes so far. we typically have nice talks then lose contact for x amount of time then come back around later.
The Kik group got me turned on to Peanut butter whiskey who knew how good that shit is... it led to some interesting zoom calls lol
the business got the 2020 readers choice award from the local newspaper that was cool
MattoonWebcam.com was born
Ohhhhh. Raychel LOL damn. she really came out of her shell. if 2021 was a spotlight for anyone it was Raychel she came out swinging in January. Lemme tell you about Raychel.
I met her about 4 maybe 5 years ago years ago she would do some business marketing for me pass out flyers do some business promotions etc etc. we became friends over the years she was always attractive and we always had a good chemistry but never went anywhere...
But then Boom! Come to the Club see me dance 😳 oh dear.... there is Raychel like she's never been seen before she's a stripper now LOL things move pretty fast after this point we share A LOT thoughts and feelings and have deep conversations and I'm helping her build a Adult enterprise empire which let's me see a whole new side of raychel every side in fact LOL and we start spending a lot of time together it's great we kiss we get intimate we share details that only couples would. but as the months go on some cracks in the foundation are forming until one day they bust wide open and we part ways in a unpleasant way. I won't go into details.
I'm devastated. Lost even. we talked almost every moment of the day we ate together just about everyday. I didn't know what to do with myself. but I knew it was for the best because it had become somewhat unhealthy for me to be so attached to her.
so things moved on.
Feb - Starlink! becomes Available for Pre-Order! of course you know I jumped on that! (fast for toward Feb 2022 I just now got the Order Confirmation that its ready to ship! waited a WHOLE YEAR! and i really had to scramble to get the $500 fee for the kit)
File this under the shit I buy LOL so Cindy from the Kik group finds these off the wall things and dares me to buy them LOL and of course I do...
first up is the Testicuzzi LOL what is it you asked... it's a jacuzzi for your balls LOL
Next, is the Dude 1000 what could that be? This was a game changer It's a Bidet! never thought I'd be a bidet person but here I am. it took a little bit to get used to but lol I'm a fan now.
2021 The year I started using Just For Men LOL and it's really not a bad thing I don't hate it lol
Maddie becomes more open she was quite shy always interested but never really engaged until i gave her enough confidence and then she opened up and we had a few good moments. however fleeting they were they were meaningful.
My Bar has really started to develop well i've got a whole selection of different whiskeys, spirits and more and even some edibles and dabs yes I've actually become quite a cannabis enthusiast this is mainly thanks to Raychel lol.
Cindy from the kik group she lives in texas but we have quite the flirtatious thing going on it's nice to have someone to talk to and to and share stuff with even if things tend to get a bit naughty lol
oh fucking Leah LOL (literally) LMAO so I meet leah off of Facebook dating she was nice and we hit it off pretty well and she didn't live far from me so we started a thing and as soon as we did the thing she tested positive for covid UGH! BUT! I never caught it! it's like how was that even possible I COULDN'T have been MORE exposed if I tried LOL which leads me to believe I am naturally immune to covid lol.
but anyways after just a week of dating if you can call it that she just up and says i started a thing with this other guy so bye i'm like uhh what and that was the end of leah lol
and good gods The great Furniture debacle of 2021 lemme tell you i'm a person that doesn't like change once something is set it's set for as long as it is functional. if it's not broke don't fix it is my motto.
well when brian my moms husband died in 2016 she bought this huge sectional living room set for like 5 grand out of the insurance money right well 2021 she got sick of it and was gonna sell it on facebook for $200 just to get rid of it i'm like are you ridiculous she's like well then you take it and i was this won't fit in my house so long story short after taking a couple pieces out we made it fit but I had to completely rearrange my whole front room it was a nightmare and i was nonfunctional for weeks because it took forever to get everything back to normal again but now that it's right it is better so i guess all ended well.
but I had to do a lot of work even put a lot of holes in the wall and rebuild part of the wall. ugh. but it was worth it in the end.
beba rexha whom i really never heard of before came out with a killer album that i was quite stuck on.
Then we have Amanda from Chicago and Kat from Marshall both beautiful ladies. i won't be forgetting the meet and greet with kat i'll tell you that lol Amanda is still an ongoing thing I see her when i find myself up in northern illinois. Kat not so much we talked for the better part of the year and met up a few times but then it kinda fizzled out which was a shame.
Enter Elizabeth... she fascinated me from the beginning she was new to kik living in colorado we hit it right off. little did i know she would be the reason the kik group and the "best friends" that i've come to know would disown me because of her but i didn't care because she was worth the fight and still is.
we shall meet one day.
Jennifer! (yes another Jennifer LOL) she was a matchmaker suggestion from another friend Sara (more on sara later) but Jennifer was Great for a time nice jewish soccerish type of mom vibe she was actually close to my age and we had real dates and did adult things like go out to eat and just hang out and have intelligent conversations it was a nice refreshing change but as time went on about 4-5 dates in when things should be moving along they stalled and communication started lacking on her part and then it just stopped ghost style left confused and wondering I left it be... well a month later she just pops back up hey wanna hang out... I'm like WTF?! you ghost me for a month than you just pop back up like the last month didn't happen no I don't wanna "hang out" that's not cool not. so although I didn't really want to end things with jennifer I didn't really feel i had a choice because she had her own issues to deal with that didn't involve me. and knowing my history with "jennifers" I was gonna fight it.
But it was fun while it lasted and i'll hold our time together fondly and we are still friends.
Guess who makes a come back LOL Savannah Returns! with Baby Iris... the love child we apparently made last august when we first met. yeah. she says I thought she should get to know her dad. and things have been good with me and savannah for the most part we are still seeing and speaking in 2022 and iris couldn't look any more like me she's adorable. the story continues with Savannah....
I started trying to get more fit I found this program Called 75 Hard it really resonated with me so I wanted to give it a go and I'm still with it Started going to the gym reduced my dew intake making more healthy snacking choices cutting down on the fast food and take out. drinking protein shakes I know Right!
So that is a positive way to start the end of the year...
Then we pretty much end the notables of the year with Raychel she sends me a message via email simply saying "I Miss You" and even tho I cut the strings between us I kinda melted when I read that and we mended our differences and instead of going back to the way it was we went back to "pre stripper" raychel and just rekindled the friendship that was always there. because we had known each other long before we were doing whatever it was we were doing and we missed each other. so it was nice to reconnect and reform that bond that we share.
and that stalkers and fans is my 2021 the holidays went pretty good for the most part didn't do much of anything i slept through thanksgiving tolerated christmas eh it is what it is.
anyways that's all I've got tuned in next year to see what kind of shitshow 2022 becomes!
maybe this time i'll actually post it this year LOL
but i'm wiped from finishing up the 2020 review so i'll pick this back up soon
stay tuned!
(if you really wanna know how my 2021 went feel free to look through my 2021 fb posts i've been quite public even though that's never been a good policy for me lol)