Thursday, July 28, 2022

Lonely Thoughts

Some people don't understand what true loneliness is like. they imagine it as someone cut off from the world hiding in darkness cowering in a corner not engaging with society. a person without friends or a person with friends but doesn't engage with them for whatever reason. They spend their days alone with little contact from the outside world. Some people choose that life. some are built for that life. but loneliness is different thing for different people and it treats people in different ways.

If you enjoy loneliness and embrace it you can thrive on it.

but if loneliness is a prison then it eats at you and each day is harder than the last.

Imagine you're a prisoner of loneliness you spend 16 hours a day inside your own mind. you look for constant ways to break free to have a little reprieve from your own thoughts you have friends and people you know but they all have their own lives you suggest things to them you invite them to do things with you things that you want to do things that interest you but no one is interested in what you want to do you see them doing things and think why wasn't you invited to that they don't bother to invite you to do their things and if they do you're an afterthought or you have to ask to be included which makes you feel less than. you are basically sitting on top of your devices waiting for any type of social interaction and when you do actually get something you pounce on it craving conversation only to be left on read and / or waiting hours on end for the next reply.

it's quite discouraging when all you want to do is make your place a little less lonely because it's your place that is the prison when the only memories you have is waking up and spending 16 hours by yourself and 8 hours sleeping day in and day out for weeks and months and years without a single soul crossing your threshold having memories other then yourself in your prison would make it a little less lonely at times.

True loneliness is when you don't want to be alone and don't have to be alone but no one chooses to let you out of your prison even though they have the key to free you from your loneliness. That's the type of loneliness the hurts the worst. That's the type of loneliness people try to escape from. That's the type of loneliness some have to battle everyday. that's true loneliness.

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