Tuesday, January 16, 2018

GEFBlog Archived 2018

Let me tell you a story.......

2003.... I started to blog (this blog right here) and boy did I blog lol.

I basically shared everything all my feelings and goings on and I wanted to be an open book.

I loved the idea of putting it all out there you know self expression and so fourth....

I had my little corner of the web I wanted to be Seen and Known who doesn't right? I guess not everybody but I did and I still do but now I want to be Seen and Known as a Professional and that's what brings me to this decision. I'm trying to elevate myself and raise my personal/professional profile and that's kinda hard to do when you got 15 years of blog posts that don't always shine a positive light on what you are trying to achieve now.

Let me break it down for you. I don't want to hide my past (it's not like I "killed" someone...) But over the years I've changed from one form to another to another we all do what I liked in 2003 I don't like now.  What I like now I didn't like then. you get the point....

My personal blog was just that personal I didn't hide anything I wanted it to be a true account of the person I was and the person I was becoming and you could see that over the years and as the years went on I had some bad times and some good times and I didn't always handle the bad times well.

See, I am diagnosed as a Bipolar Manic Depressive for those that know what that is you know that it can cause severe problems in one's life and no it hasn't been easy but over the years I have tried to manage to the best of my ability and sometimes it still gets the best of me.  but over the years on the blog it really shined through i would go on grammatically challenged rants and raves and all sorts of tirades calling out those who I felt wronged or slighted me and all sorts of different behaviors.

I shared the good times too! things I was up to changes to my personal site etc. etc. but the bottom line is I did and said things I'm not proud of and looking back I wish i could change some of the behaviors I experienced but that was me at THAT time I can't change that and although my behavior did stem from my bipolar disorder I take responsibility for my words and actions. even tho I was venting my legitimate feelings I could have expressed myself in a better more civil manner.

In 2011 I went through a pretty traumatic time and of course I could of handled it better but I felt the need to express myself and stand up for my beliefs and I have certain convictions that I felt strongly about. These convictions & beliefs were unpopular to say the least but there was also a lot of support as well but for those that were against me and my actions started to dig into my history just to make already bad situation worse. Yes, I've done and said things over the years that haven't been pleasant but my actions were never illegal or unlawful. That's not to say I haven't be in trouble with the law lol because during my early years as a young and stupid kid/teen I had my fair share of trouble will the law  again nothing that serious. anyways people brought up some old post that at the time i didn't think of as "wrong" and when it was pointed out i could recognize at that time how it would be seen as "bad" of course I didn't know certain actions were bad or else I wouldn't have behaved in such a way.

Let's just say I've learned over the years I can be my own worst enemy.

I take all my experiences both good and bad and use them to help me grow into a better person and I believe it has and right now in 2018 I've never been more proud of myself and my accomplishments of course I've still got some work to do better I'm just here now trying to be a better person than I was yesterday.

So, with all that said it brings me to my decision to archive my blog for historical purposes they are not *gone* because I don't want to erase my past I want to learn and grow from it and there was a lot of negative and painful memories for me in here and I want to highlight the good I am doing now and not have my past thrown in my face everytime a hater gets an itch they need to scratch. I know some will view this as me "trying" to hide my infamous past but what I'm actually doing is moving on from it and i suggest you do the same.

A few stats before I go:

I left the first post up which was posted in 2003 (15 years ago! wow)  but over the course of 15 years I wrote 888 posts not that much considering. but some years i wrote a lot other years I didn't.  there was over 35,000 views on my blog over the years again not that that much considering. Basically nobody ever really cared about my blog and hardly anyone ever viewed it unless it was to be used against me. Which is sad.

So now I bid farewell to the past "2003-2017 GEFBlog" and move on towards the future.

I'll probably still make a post or two every now and then but I mainly have facebook and my other social media sites to express myself which is basically why I stopped blogging here and I was always leery of promoting the blog due to my Bipolar rants and such I was afraid of what people would think about me so I didn't advertise it but I didn't hide it either because regardless of what people think this was me and although I wasn't always proud of myself I'm not gonna hide from myself either.

If you wanna find out more about me or what I'm up to visit my main profile at GregFultz.com
(note there is no dot in that url as my previous url was Greg.Fultz.com)

Below are some pictures of me over the years just to show you how I grow and change over the years just like these pictures I myself as a person have changed and grown from my past so if you are viewing these now don't judge me by my past embrace me for what I'm trying to become even with the adversity of my mental disorders.


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