Tuesday, January 16, 2018

GEFBLOG Reborn: Time for a Fresh Start!

Well, this has been an interesting turn of events since my last post lol mere hours ago or less I thought to myself Why Kill something I've had for 15 years?!

I mean sure I haven't used it much in the last few years or 5 lol or more lol but that's only because honestly I was not proud of some of the post I've made I'd go as far as saying kinda ashamed and I didn't really want anybody to find it but I didn't want to hide it either because whether I like it or not that was me and whether you like it or not that was me I embrace that.

So, since the old GEFBLOG is archived and no longer publicly available which is kinda good I didn't think I wanted to do that until I did and it's like a huge weight has been lifted I was always afraid someone would look at my post and think man, this guy is batshit crazy! lol at times I probably was but that's bipolar for you I don't know why but it really feels like a fresh start.

With that said I give you GEFBlog: Thoughts & Opinions

The New and Improved (for 2018 and Beyond) Personal Blog of Yours Truly, +Greg Fultz!

Yay! I promise not to be "too" crazy but you know it is me so yea...

Let's put it this way I won't "hide" myself but I'll try to be socially and politically acceptable.

But, don't quote me on that lol also I've installed Grammarly to help with my ever challenging grammar skills I've always been grammatically challenged and that's another reason to have archived the past 15 years of blog post because they literally made peoples eyes bleed just ask +Lisa Bradley  (hey that g+ tagging is pretty nifty lol what do you think Lisa?) Seriously though it was bad, imagine 1500 words with no paragraphs and no punctuation just one big 1500 word sentence LOL yes it was that bad and it was embarassing for other people to see.

But, as you can see I've tried to improve my writing skills so that it's a bit more, acceptable...
of course, it won't be perfect but maybe tolerable?

Anyways, I digress so what am I gonna do here? well, I figure I would talk about well my thoughts and opinions on a variety of different subjects I won't limit myself like I do on the TechBlog which is mainly just technology and/or business subjects.

So, If you look at the top of the blog you will see a menu bar with a variety of topics if you click on one of those topics you can answer the questions on that topic or just comment on it and I'll post about that or I'll just randomly think of stuff to put on here (it's not like anyone is actually gonna read it anyway lol) it's hard telling how much I'll post but I assume it'll just be when I come across something and say hey that's a good topic to discuss! or Hey! EVERYONE has got to know my opinion on [insert controversial topic here] lol because you know why not?

So that's my plan for the rebirth of the GEFBlog I'm excited what about you?

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