Thursday, March 8, 2018

Some people would be so proud lol

Good morning people I'm so proud of myself I think for the first time in my existence I actually managed to hold my tongue lol last night a group of friends were having a discussion on abortion. Yep that hot controversial topic.
Mind you this wasn't my discussion and I wasn't brought into it so it was hard to not jump in on it lol y'all know how opinionated and outspoken I am on controversial topics but when your in with a certain group of people for a greater good you have to know what battles to fight and when you should just keep your mouth shut!
That is the hard part because like I said before I have an opinion on EVERYTHING and it's not always the popular opinion but when I make a stance on a subject I don't do so lightly I think it out and I apply logic and rational reasoning to my opinion I look at the greater good and the moral implications of any stance I take and I like to think that my opinion is the most logical approach that any moral logical human would have.
This is just how my mind works I'm very Humanist in that sense so yea I won't hide or be ashamed of my process if you don't like it fine but respect my opinion just like I respect yours.
You better believe if I was brought in on that subject I'd school your ass on all the implications that arise from the mantra "My Body, My Choice" but like I said I'm not trying to start drama when it doesn't include me there is a time and place for that if it's in a public forum that's a different story I'll jump in and speak my mind regardless of the consequences it wouldn't be the first time I fell on my sword.
Those are my #ThursdayThoughts

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